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Mass Times

Thursday Daily Mass: 8 am

Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm


206 N. Pine Street, Villa Grove, IL 61956

(217) 832-8352


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9 am to 2 pm

Pastoral Staff

Father Michael Trummer: Priest

Amy Walch: Secretary

Mike Stauder: CRE/Youth Coordinator

Jim Balmer: Custodial Care

Scott Albin & Jim Balmer: Maintenance

Under the guidance of the Archangel Michael, we are a Catholic community dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We are a welcoming community of baptized disciples. Through our Liturgy, Sacraments, Faith Formation, and Pastoral Care, we dedicate ourselves to being:

  • A Sacramental Community united in God’s love
  • A Community of Faith which shares in the teaching mission of Christ
  • A Community of Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure serving people
    most in need
  • A Community called to witness and proclaim the Good News through
    the power of the Holy Spirit

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